Meet the teacher: Kathy Hague

Name: Kathy Hague

Role at The Firs: Deputy Head of The Firs School & Nursery Manager of FirCones.

How long have you been a teacher? 

28 years

What made you want to be a teacher?

I wanted to be in a role that made a difference to others.

If you hadn’t become a teacher, what would you have done instead?

Marine Biologist

What were your favourite lessons at school? And least?

My favourite lesson was Biology, in fact any science. My least favourite was Maths.

What is your favourite film? 


Your Desert Island Disc(s)? 

For the love of a Princess - James Horner

How do you relax? 

Reading under a blanket on the sofa with my cockapoo Rosie

What is the one thing that makes you most proud of where you work?

That the ‘Family’ part of our FIRS vision is a true reflection of each and every day

If you could be Queen for a day, what’s the first thing you would do? 

Make sure that everything possible is done to prevent anyone feeling lonely.


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