Meet the teacher: Natalie Johnson

Name: Natalie Johnson

Role at The Firs: Year 4 teacher / Art specialist teacher 

How long have you been a teacher? 

11 years 

What made you want to be a teacher? 

I always wanted to be a teacher. I loved school and had some amazing teachers that really inspired me which made me
want to do the same.

If you hadn’t become a teacher, what would you have done instead?  

I also had a passion for art. I have an A-level in art and specialised in art at university. I am thrilled that I get to teach the specialist art this year, we have some very talented artists at The Firs and I love that I get to work with them all.

What were your favourite lessons at school? And least? 

My favourite lessons were art and PE and in high school, alongside these I also loved performing
arts and dance. My least favourite lesson was always geography!

What is your favourite film?  The Little Mermaid 

Your Desert Island Disc(s)?  Queen’s greatest hits 

How do you relax? 

I spend time with my family and friends and cook big family meals.

What is the one thing that makes you most proud of where you work?  

Who I work with - the children and staff are one big family. We have fun, we learn new things everyday and we take care of each other.

If you could be Queen for a day, what’s the first thing you would do? 

I would work on improving the lives of my citizens. I would make sure that everyone had access to basic needs like food, shelter and healthcare. I would also let teachers have an extra few weeks off throughout the year, they deserve it! :)



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